Thursday, May 26, 2011

Fontanili di Corte Valle Re

Fontanili di Corte Valle Re, Campegine near Reggio Emilia  is one of my favourite places in the Pianura Padana . It  is a small nature reserve hidden away  between Calerno  RE and Campegine RE .

Here a series of springs rise in the middle of the flat plain of the pianura and flow between manmade lakes. They are amongst the last “fontanili”  to be found in the Po valley.
Underground water originating from the mountains and running down towards the Po meets a clay barrier and is forced to rise to the surface.

Valle Re takes its name from the family who owned the land, who were called  Re.

Fontanili di Corte Valle Re, Campegine, RE

Fontanili di Corte Valle Re, Campegine, RE

Fontanili di Corte Valle Re, Campegine, RE

Fontanili di Corte Valle Re, Campegine, RE

Fontanili di Corte Valle Re, Campegine, RE

Fontanili di Corte Valle Re, Campegine, RE

Fontanili di Corte Valle Re, Campegine, RE

Corte Valle Re, Campegine, RE, The labourers quarters

Corte Valle Re, Campegine, RE, The labourers quarters

Corte Valle Re, Campegine, RE, The labourers quarters

Corte Valle Re, Campegine, RE, The labourers quarters
They have been used for centuries  as irrigation.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Vetto to Spigone on the Sentiere Ducale

I decided  to do another  part of the “Sentiere Ducale"  which runs from Quattro Castella to Passo  Lagestrello.  From Costa above Vetto (RE)  I went as far as Spigone .
The first part of the walk has nice panoramic views.
Bresse, Vetto, RE
Bresse, Vetto, RE

Spigone hidden in the woods above Rio Tossaro is a fascinating hamlet with just 6 remaining inhabitants.
The oldest part with two big houses remains almost untouched by modernity.
Spigone, Vetto, RE

Spigone, Vetto, RE

Spigone, Vetto, RE

Spigone, Vetto, RE
Spigone, Vetto, RE

Spigone, Vetto, RE

Spigone, Vetto, RE

Spigone, Vetto, RE

Spigone, Vetto, RE
Spigone, Vetto, RE

Spigone, Vetto, RE
Spigone, Vetto, RE

Spigone, Vetto, RE
Spigone, Vetto, RE. Looking towards Pineto
On the way back
Bresse, Vetto, RE
 Before going home I had a look around the old part of Vetto.
Vetto, RE

Vetto, RE

Vetto, RE

Vetto, RE

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Inside Vimezzana and Cavazzone

Last weekend I found a couple of “Case Torre”  to explore.

Vimezzana  thirty minutes across some fields from  Romagnano, Carpinetti  is in an advanced state of decay. I was fascinated by the curious roof truss – a primitive portal frame where a large timber beam has been bent almost to 90°.

Valmezzana, Carpineti, RE

Valmezzana, Carpineti, RE

Valmezzana, Carpineti, RE

Living Room Valmezzana, Carpineti, RE

Living Room Valmezzana, Carpineti, RE
The Pantry, Valmezzana, Carpineti, RE

Roof Truss Valmezzana, Carpineti, RE.
No Finite Element analisis used here.

Up to the Dove coup. Valmezzana, Carpineti, RE

Cavazzone, Vezzano sul Crostolo  is a curious group of houses built in the 16th/17th century,  all built around a covered roadway which runs through a central gallery.

Cavazzone, Vezzano sul Crostolo, RE

Cavazzone, Vezzano sul Crostolo, RE

Entrance, Cavazzone, Vezzano sul Crostolo, RE

Covered roadway. Cavazzone, Vezzano sul Crostolo, RE

Cavazzone, Vezzano sul Crostolo, RE

A bit of floor deflection. Cavazzone, Vezzano sul Crostolo, RE

Cavazzone, Vezzano sul Crostolo, RE