Thursday, January 31, 2019

The River Po at Revere and Ostiglia

A few days ago, I had a chance to explore a couple of towns on the River Po that I had not seen before.

The sleepy little towns of Revere and Ostiglia face each other across the river. Both are in the Province of Mantua.
Revere MN
When I arrived at Revere a thick Po Valley fog was just starting to clear. It was quite spectacular as the huge power station over on the other side of the river slowly came into view.

Revere MN

Revere MN

Revere MN

Revere MN

Revere MN

The riverside here is one of the more picturesque stretches of the River Po, with the levee right next to the river for a long stretch.

Revere MN

Revere MN
Revere MN

Revere MN

I had a wander around the town. A single tower is all that remains of the castle. The large palace was built by a member of the Gonzaga family who dominated a large area around Mantua.

Revere MN

Revere MN

Palazzo Ducale, Revere MN

Palazzo Ducale, Revere, MN

Revere MN

Revere MN
It was now time to cross the river over to Ostiglia. The town is dominated by the chimneys of the huge power station. 
Ostiglia MN

Ostiglia MN

Ostiglia MNa

Ostiglia Mn
I took a walk along the river bank and I was able to go on board one of the landing stages thanks to the invitation to “come aboard” by one of the locals. After a hazardous decent the river took on a whole new perspective from this viewpoint.

Ostiglia MN

Ostiglia MN
Like many little towns along the river, the town seemed almost deserted. There are no real monuments of note here apart from the Palace which is now the commune. 

Ostiglia MN

Ostiglia MN

Ostiglia MN

Ostiglia MN

It was now onto Castel d’Ario near Mantua to visit the castle. But this place deserves a post of its own.